About Us
Who We Are
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is a community of all ages and stations of life. Together we seek a deep sense of spiritual peace. We value the community inside and outside the walls of this building. Members gather to worship, sing, pray, and receive the Lord’s presence in Holy Communion. They then go out serving in many ways in the Port Angeles area and beyond.
Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. We trust in God's goodness and grace through all the changes and chances of this life. We hope to share faith and community together with you. Holy Trinity is a Reconciling in Christ community, where all people are invited to worship, serve, teach and grow in the faith.
We invite you to come and get to know us.
What We Believe
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is grounded in the faith that God loves us all unconditionally and that we are made in God’s image, blessed to be a blessing to others.
Our name “Holy Trinity” refers to the name we often use for the mystery of God. The Creator, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Jesus called God “Father” and came to this earth to love, teach, heal, feed, and care for people. We seek to follow his example by doing the same as we are able. The Holy Spirit is the power of God to give us faith, to remind us that we are loved (forgiven, healed where wounded) and empowered to live in hope and love.
We cherish the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion (celebrated each Sunday here), and we practice the holy acts of Confirmation, Prayer for the Sick, Marriage, Ordination (of pastors and deacons), and Reconciliation of those who wish to hear words of forgiveness.
When we come to worship, we come with open hands, into which we place all our worries, fears, disappointments and give them up to God. Through the bread and wine of Holy Communion, we receive Jesus, with whom we walk and whom we seek to follow day by day.
Grace is one of our favorite concepts: the idea of God’s love freely given to all. This grace does not depend on us or on how good we might or might not be. God is with us in all the ups and downs of life, in the joys and in the sorrows. The church community seeks to include all and to be a place of hope for everyone.
As a “Reconciling in Christ” (RIC) congregation we believe in the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of our LGBTQIA+ siblings in all aspects of the life of the church.
As a “Lutherans Restoring Creation” congregation, we seek to be a community of dedicated stewards of earth and neighbor for the sake of living God’s promise of hope and healing for all.
For more information about our parent church body, please check out elca.org.
How We Worship
Whether we meet in a sanctuary, an outdoor field, or someone's living room, we seek to establish, strengthen, and grow a foundation of faith for everything we do. Worship unites us in celebration, engages us in thoughtful dialogue, and helps us grow in faith. A few of the ways we worship at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church include:
Choirs and Chorale
We celebrate the gift of music through our Young Voices Children’s Choir and our Chancel Choir, as well as rehearsals and annual performances by The Northwest Women’s Chorale. We also have a long and vibrant tradition as a venue for concerts and recitals thanks to our sanctuary's excellent acoustics and beautiful Bond organ.
Worship Services
Join us in person, or watch our live broadcasts via Facebook or YouTube every Sunday morning at 9:30 am PST.
Sunday School
At 11:00 am on Sundays, we offer a special time for children from kindergarten through age 9 to learn about God in a way that's tailored to their understanding.
Adult "Fireside Chats"
Join with others in the church's Fireside Room at 11:00 for more informal learning and sharing together.
How We Serve
Christian love, known as "agape" in Greek, is not an emotion, but a conviction to show goodwill to every single person that God puts into our path. We express agape by pouring God’s love back into the world again, as agents of God's grace, serving a hurting and suffering world.
Quilts for Lutheran World Relief
Often, when natural disasters strike or war drives families from their homes, our hearts ache with compassion but we don’t know how to help. Making quilts for Lutheran World Relief Mission is a tangible way to express love to our neighbors in need. Quilts can be used as warm bedding, simple tents, or floor coverings. Our quilters fashion and ship quilts by the boxful!
Threads of Love
For those who knit or crochet and want to make a difference in the lives of others, Threads of Love is a ministry sharing the power of love through creativity, by knitting and crocheting beautiful prayer shawls for people in our community and around the world. They gather in the church's Fireside Room from 1:00 to 2:30 pm on the third Wednesday of each month. Learn more here >