Port Angeles, 301 E Lopez Ave, Port Angeles, WA 98362, USA
January 12 kicks off a new series of sessions led by Rev. Karen Selig, exploring some “Odd Couples” in the Bible. Together we’ll examine various Biblical pairings to discover what they might reveal to us about human relationships, about male and female roles and about divine/human interaction.
The Fireside Room at the Church, 301 E Lopez Ave, Port Angeles, WA 98362, USA
Help us make and donate knitted and crocheted items. You are welcome to join us at our monthly get-togethers, or arrange to pick up some yarn, borrow some patterns, and make what you can to serve people in our community and around the world.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E Lopez Ave, Port Angeles, WA 98362, USA
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month, come join our quilting group and make warm quilts for those in need... no experience necessary. Our quilts are shared around the world by Lutheran World Relief; learn more on their website: https://lwr.org/quilts